Nico - Desertshore with ANIKA at silent green

BIG NEWS! We are happy to join forces with musician/singer and poet Anika, to reinterpret a true gem of music history: Nico’s mystical solo-album Desertshore from 1970.

Thursday, 02.11.2023 at Betonhalle silent green.

Early bird tickets are on sale now!

veröffentlicht am 18.07.2023

Concert with Maya Dunietz

On Friday 25.11., Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop will host a Concert with Maya Dunietz at St. Matthäus Church, located at the Kulturforum Berlin. This month we begin our collaboration with the artist, composer and pianist and set the starting point for future projects. Maya Dunietz works in the border areas between visual art, performance and music. In our research together we will enter into an interplay between proximity, distance and the spaces inbetween. With our voices and instruments we will expore the question, how individuals find connection through sound.

As musical material we will use compositions by Maya Dunietz as well as pieces by the Ethiopian composer and nun Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou, with whom Maya is connected through a long-lasting friendship and an ongoing artistic collaboration. For our collaboration Maya has rew-arranged piano works by Guèbrou for Kaleidoskop. At the concert we will give a first insight into our work. Tickets will be available at the box office.

veröffentlicht am 22.11.2022

Kaleidoskop bei X100

The three-day festival X100, organized by Berlin Atonal, celebrates the legacy of composer Iannis Xenakis (1922 - 1997) and places his work in a new context. Xenakis' groundbreaking work scontinue to inspire a wide range of disciplines today. For the three-day festival, Berlin Atonal at Kraftwerk brings together artists working at the intersection of experimental electronic music and the avant-garde, who will reinterpret Xenakis works and present new works inspired by the composer.

Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop will be a guest at the festival on Nov. 18 and 19, contributing solo and ensemble works by Iannis Xenakis. On Friday 11/18, Caleb Salgado will perform Theraps for solo double bass. The concert on Saturday 11/19 will be opened by Kaleidoskop with the string sextet Ittidra, followed by Michael Rauter playing the solo cello piece Kottos.

For more information about the program and day tickets, visit the festival page.

veröffentlicht am 16.11.2022

IN YOUR HEAD beim NEXT Festival

What happens in the body of a musician when they play? How does the music enter the body and makes it resound? In IN YOUR HEAD Kaleidoskop devotes itself to these questions together with the choreographer Pol Pi and transforms the score of the 8th string quartet by Shostakovich into a precisely "embodied" music.

On November 12, we will show the production at the NEXT Arts Festival in Kortrijk, Belgium. In February 2023 the piece can also be seen as a German premiere at Radialsystem in Berlin.

veröffentlicht am 21.10.2022

Beginn: Gastspiele im Oktober

With the music theater piece Beginn, Kaleidoskop will go on tour in October 2022: After the premiere performances in March at Orangerie Herrenhausen in Hanover, the ensemble will present the joint work with director Ben J. Riepe, composer Bára Gísladóttir and soloists from the Lower Saxony State Orchestra Hanover on other stages this fall.

On October 7 and 8, the work can be seen at HELLERAU - European Center for the Arts Dresden. On October 12, the production will also open the Aura International Dance Festival in Kaunas, Lithuania. For more information and ticket links, visit the project page.

veröffentlicht am 28.09.2022

Kaleidoskop & Andrea Belfi im Acoustic Garden

On Monday, July 18, members of the soloist ensemble Kaleidoskop will play together with the percussionist, composer and experimental musician Andrea Belfi at the Acoustic Garden Open Air concert series in the cassiopeia summer garden. In his music, Belfi combines acoustic timbres with the infinite possibilities of electronics. At a workshop in May 2022 we started our ongoing collaboration - At the concert at cassiopeia Summer Garden we will play compositions from Andrea's "Eternally Frozen".

More information and tickets at:

veröffentlicht am 13.07.2022


Translation is the central theme of the new creation IN YOUR HEAD by choreographer Pol Pi and Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop, which will be seen at the Festival Montpellier Danse in France in June 2022. In this work, Pol Pi, together with four members of Kaleidoskop, Anna Faber (violin), Mia Bodet (violin), Yodfat Miron (viola), and Sophie Notte (cello), takes a close look at the score of Shostakovich's 8th String Quartet and transforms the "unconscious dance" of an instrumental performance into a precise choreographic repertoire.

Following the premiere, the ensemble will go on tour with the production, in February 2023 IN YOUR HEAD will be shown at Radialsystem in Berlin.

veröffentlicht am 07.06.2022

Konzert in der St. Matthäus Kirche

For Kaleidoskop, May this year is all about research and rehearsals! At a concert in the St. Matthäus Church in the Kulturforum, the ensemble will give an insight into its current musical work. In the space currently designed by artist Edith Dekyndt, Kaleidoskop will present works by Gloria Coates, Meredith Monk and Zygmunt Krauze, among others, on June 3. Tickets will be available at the box office.

Concert program:
Meredith Monk - Songs from Book of Days
Felix Profos - Melody for 4 violins
Gloria Coates - String Quartet No. 5, III. In The Fifth Dimension
Zygmunt Krauze - Aus aller Welt Stammende

veröffentlicht am 12.05.2022

New collaborations in May

Andrea Belfi Porträt © Roberto Brundo

In May 2022, Kaleidoskop devotes themselves to research work for upcoming projects and preparations for new collaborations. In this work phase, Kaleidoskop sets the starting point for a new creation with composer Ole Hübner, artist Raphael Jacobs and director Ludgers Engels, among others. In this joint work, we will explore themes of transformations.

Kaleidoskop also starts a new collaboration with percussionist, composer and experimental musician Andrea Belfi. Belfi and Kaleidoskop will continue and further develop these first musical researches and experiments in the coming year with director Silvia Costa.

veröffentlicht am 11.05.2022

Preview: June – September 2022

Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop is in the starting blocks with upcoming projects throughout the summer! Here's a first preview of the productions from June to September 2022:

Concert in St. Matthew's Church
In our workshops in May we develop new works and prepare upcoming projects - At the concert on 03.06. we give you an insight into our current work.

berlin westhafen - umschlagplatz klang
Together with other ensembles from Berlin we transform the Westhafen into a living sound space.

It's in Your Head (Premiere) in Montpellier Danse
Together with choreographer Pol Pi, we take a close look at Shostakovich's 8th Quartet and bring the score to the stage down to the smallest nuances with movements, words and music.

Farewell at Ballhof Eins, Hanover
Together with musicians from the Staatsoper Hannover and under the direction of Michael Rauter we explore the state of in-between, musically accompanied by an edited and extended "Adagio" from Mahler's 9th Symphony.

H_SPACE_H at E-Werk Luckenwalde
In the project "H_SPACE_H" Kaleidoskop teams up with Isabel Lewis, Sissel Tolaas and Ethan Braun and create a growing exhibition for the senses.

Tanz den Tanz in der Sammlung Hoffmann
In the rooms of the Hoffmann Collection, Kaleidoskop will enter into dialogue with the artworks and make the rooms resound for one last dance.

veröffentlicht am 27.04.2022

Ukraine Fundraising Concert

On 27.3 Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop will play at the Ukraine Fund Raising Concert, an initiative of the festival MaerzMusik and ensemble mosaik. At 12:00 pm we would like to show our solidarity with all people affected by the war in Ukraine together with ensemble mosaik, haromonic space orchestra, Maulwerker and Zafraan Ensemble at silent green.

Monetary donations will be collected on site and donations will be called for to a specially set up account. These will benefit the Brandenburg association wir packen's an, which offers aid in the crisis region and also organizes music education projects for children and young people traumatized by war and flight.

The concert will be streamed and can be accessed via the Berliner Festspiele Mediathek.

Account details for donations:
We pack it on
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE46 4306 0967 1059 2396 02

Subject: Berliner Festspiele

veröffentlicht am 18.03.2022

Beginn – Musiktheater-Premiere

What do we take with us into the time capsule for a new beginning in the face of the current crises? This is the question we face in the new music theater piece Beginn together with Ben J. Riepe, Bára Gísladóttir and musicians* of the Hanover State Opera. This work celebrates its premiere from 31.3. to 3.4. at the Orangerie Herrenhausen in Hannover.

It is the second part of the cooperation project NEUN of Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop with HELLERAU - Europäisches Zentrum der Künste and the Staatsoper Hannover. Funded by the Fonds Doppelpass of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.

veröffentlicht am 17.03.2022

LOVE:15 Tickets available now

From March 4 to 6, the Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop celebrates its 15th anniversary with the new production LOVE:15 at Radialsystem Berlin. For these evenings, the members of Kaleidoskop have collaborated with guests from the Berlin and international dance and performance scene to create new, short duets. Inspired by philosopher Alain Badiou's concept of the "construction of love," these "pas de deux" explore the possibilities and impossibilities of encounters, love, and community.

In addition, on the morning of March 6, LOUDsoft and Kaleidoskop invite you to the family format SCHRUMPF! LOVE:15, for families with children ages 5 to 8.

Tickets are now available online.

veröffentlicht am 31.01.2022

Ausblick 2022

Starting the new year, we would like to give a first preview of the projects and collaborations that Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop will present in 2022. In the 2021/2022 season, Kaleidoskop celebrates its 15th anniversary, and the new creations in 2022 all approach physicality on stage from very different angles.

From March 4 to 6, 2022, Kaleidoskop invites you to LOVE:15 at Radialsystem: in eight duets, which for the first time the individual members develop themselves with diverse artistic partners, the ensemble devotes itself to the magic of first encounters, among others with Black Cracker, Ariel Efraim Ashbel, Lyllie Rouviere, Pol Pi, Silvia Costa, Nitsan Margaliot and Lionel Menard.

On March 31, Kaleidoskop presents the premiere of Beginn, a collaboration with choreographer Ben J. Riepe, composer Bára Gísladóttir and musicians* of Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester Hannover at the Orangerie Herrenhausen. This production poses the question of what a (new) beginning might look like in the face of drastic upheavals, ecological challenges and the consequences of the pandemic.

Transformation is also the central theme of the new creation with choreographer Pol Pi, which will premiere in Montpellier in June 2022. In this work, Pol Pi and Kaleidoskop take a close look at the score of Shostakovich's famous 8th String Quartet and translate the "unconscious dance" of an instrumental performance into a precise movement repertoire.

More information will follow soon here on the new website and on our social media channels at Facebook and Instagram and in the next Newsletter. Stay tuned!

veröffentlicht am 09.01.2022

New Kaleidoskop Website

The time has come: We are happy to present you the new website of Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop. On these new pages we will share news about the ensemble and our projects from now on. We hope you enjoy the journey of discovery into our worlds!

veröffentlicht am 16.12.2021