Jeder Hase ein Künstler. Eine Beuys Fabel

Solistenensemble KaleidoskopTom Patchett / Georg Nussbaumer2016

All old fat? To mark the 30th anniversary of the death of Joseph Beuys, the Austrian director and composer Georg Nussbaumer is staging a surreal music-theatre about one of the greats of the German art scene, Joseph Beuys, on the basis of the play Every Hare an Artist. A Beuys Fable, by the American screenwriter Tom Patchett, with music and performance by Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop.

Patchett’s play alludes to Beuys’s fictive burial and gives the mourners, all of them contemporaries of Joseph Beuys, the opportunity to comment grotesquely or movingly on the phenomenon of Beuys, to question his role as German art saviour, to take his work down from its pedestal and to meet him at eye level.

Nussbaumer’s magical interpretation of Patchett’s text elevates Beuys’s mascot, the hare, to the sole protagonist, taking the piece into a bustle of fairytale activity. Holes are deliberately punched into the current image of Beuys: the piece remains true to Beuys’s system of insignia and symbols, while interpreting the funeral in Patchett’s text not as an obituary show but as zero hour. The hares explain the artist’s images, which have formatively influenced our consciousness. An ‘extended Beuys concept’ is propagated in which the séance is not conducted by the artist himself but by his art objects.

Following Beuys’s performative aesthetics, the piece oscillates between theatre and performance, and makes demands on the minds and bodies of its audience. It invokes Beuys the actionist in a way that takes him out of the context of museum, documentary or veneration. During his lifetime Beuys was hardly a museum artist but a performer, whose relics only entered the hallowed halls after his death.

The questions about the current relevance of his work and the possibilities of further developing his concept of art in and for the 21st century will be captured in a multilayered theatre crystal framed by the past and present and shot through with distortions.

Text Tom Patchett
Direction, stage, composition Georg Nussbaumer
Translation Ina Pfitzner
With Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop
Live electronics Robert Schwarz
Artistic collaboration Christine Schörkhuber
Dramaturgic collaboration Boram Lie
Hare coaching Suzan Boogaerdt & Bianca van der Schoot
Musical direction ensemble Michael Rauter
Costume Cristina Nyffeler
Costume assistance Emilie Chicaez
Sculptures sculptureberlin
Light Jurgen Kolb
Documentation Markus Zucker
Illustration/Design Rodion Kitaev/Shuka Design
Legal advice Christiane Stützle Scharf, Patricia Ernst, Morrison Foerster
Project management Anna Iskina
Production management Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop
Passed Events

Jeder Hase ein Künstler. Eine Beuys Fabel

Thursday, 10/20/2016
6:00 PM Uhr
Vollgutlager – Alte Kindl Brauerei, Berlin

Jeder Hase ein Künstler. Eine Beuys Fabel

Friday, 10/21/2016
6:00 PM Uhr
Vollgutlager – Alte Kindl Brauerei, Berlin

Jeder Hase ein Künstler. Eine Beuys Fabel

Saturday, 10/22/2016
6:00 PM Uhr
Vollgutlager – Alte Kindl Brauerei, Berlin

Jeder Hase ein Künstler. Eine Beuys Fabel

Sunday, 10/23/2016
6:00 PM Uhr
Vollgutlager – Alte Kindl Brauerei, Berlin

Produced by Anna Iskina Arts Management in cooperation with Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop.

Financially supported by the Capital Cultural Fund Berlin, Clariant AG Basel and Lasterday Productions Los Angeles. With legal assistance by Morrison Foerster.