From Dusk Till Dawn

Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop2008

Solistenensemble Kaleidoscope invites you to a concert at Villa Elisabeth on March 28. The program From Dusk Till Dawn describes a musical journey through a whole night in one evening.

At the same time, the evening is a continuation of the exploration of the works of Joseph Haydn and Arnold Schoenberg. In between, an extraordinary work by an Austrian contemporary will be heard: the 3rd string quartet In iij. Noct. by Georg Friedrich Haas.

We have invited Lucas Gruber as our artistic partner, who will add a light installation to the musical events, which, like daylight, will create the space and atmosphere in which Schönberg's Verklärte Nacht leads from twilight into night - and with Haydn's symphony, the sun will rise again in the late evening.

In the twilight, Arnold Schoenberg's Verklärte Nacht is heard first in the 1943 version for string orchestra. Arguably Schoenberg's most popular work was composed at a historical juncture, in 1899, initially as a string sextet, Op. 4, inspired by a poem by Richard Dehmel. Beyond chamber music, this is program music that "confines itself to drawing nature and expressing human feelings" (Schoenberg).

Then four musicians of the Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop disappear into the darkness of the night that has fallen and play the 3rd string quartet In iij. Noct. by Georg Friedrich Haas. The work is named after a responsory by Carlo Gesualdo di Venosa, which also appears as a quotation in the piece: In iij noct. (In that night). Haas' work is about associative emotional states: fear, doubt, sadness, longing, hope. They become audible in his Nachtmusik with overwhelming effect.

Finally, a new day returns with Haydn's early Symphony No. 6 Le Matin. Symphony No. 6 Le Matin, as part of the Daytime Trilogy, was the first work Joseph Haydn wrote for Prince Paul Anton Esterházy. In it, the two poles, the forward-pushing joy of experimentation and the falling back on the traditional, are more clearly discernible than in any other of his works. In the symphonies of this period, Haydn combined his previous symphonic experience with elements of the baroque concerto grosso.

Arnold Schönberg: Verklärte Nacht op. 4 für Streichorchester (1899/1943) Georg Friedrich Haas: Streichquartett Nr. 3 In iij. Noct. (2001) Joseph Haydn: Sinfonie Nr. 6 Le Matin (1761)
Artistic direction Julian Kuerti & Michael Rauter
Light Lucas Gruber
With Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop
Passed Events

From Dusk Till Dawn

Friday, 03/28/2008
7:00 PM Uhr
Villa Elisabeth, Berlin