As part of the “Festival of Cooperations with Alexander Kluge & friends” organized by the Literaturhaus Berlin, a total of 15 participants (8 composers – including 6 composition students at the UdK – as well as 6 musicians from Solistenensemble Kaleidsokop and a director) exchanged ideas over a period of more than three months about how a musician-finding cooperation can function that questions conventional notions of separable individual works and individual authorship. Despite (or perhaps because of?) the permeability and cross-connections between the individual contributions, the results were surprisingly heterogeneous.
Next to performative-linguistic concepts, there are emphatically experimental, interactive as well as ‘conventional-musical’ or music-transcending approaches. The title of the final presentation, which refers to a very important motif for Alexander Kluge (and also characterizes the group discussions), refers to this kaleidoscopic plurality: Just as in the arrangement of the baroque Wunderkammer, the inhomogeneous-divergent of the individual parts is to be brought into a spatio-temporal context in such a way that the audience is moved into astonishment.
The project takes place in cooperation with the Literaturhaus Berlin and the final concerts are part of the “Month of Contemporary Music 2021”.