Wandelkonzert im Albertinum

Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop2018

The Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden and Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop under the artistic direction of Tilman Kanitz invite to a special art experience at the Albertinum. Visitors follow the sounds of music from ancient to modern times and find their very own paths through the labyrinthine exhibition halls. In this way, individual spaces of association and dialogue are created - contemporary and classical music meets artworks from the past two centuries of the Albertinum and contemporary art from the Hoffmann Collection. Kaleidoskop contrasts music by Paul Dessau with Franz Schubert or Ludwig van Beethoven with Iannis Xenakis.

Concept / artistic direction Tilman Kanitz
Artistic collaboration Boram Lie
With Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop &
 Schüler*innen des Landesgymnasium Sankt Afra
Works by J.S. Bach, Ludwig van Beethoven, Michael von Biel, Sebastian Claren, Elliot Carter, György Kurtag, Hans Pfitzner, John Dowland, Philip Glass, Tilman Kanitz, Helmut Lachenmann, Igor Stravinsky, Claude Vivier, Iannis Xenakis
Costumes based on designs by Lyubov Popova & Varvara Stepanova
Realized by Erika Hoffmann
Passed Events

Wandelkonzert im Albertinum

Saturday, 09/01/2018
8:00 AM Uhr
Albertinum, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden